Moments of Mayhem

We met for the first time in high school. As adults, we married. But it was all fake. The wedding, us, what he did for a job. None of it was real. Except it was. They say he’s nothing but Mayhem, yet when he’s with me, he’s my salvation. Everything I need and more....

Moments of Madness

Buy Direct: eBook or Paperback We met at his ex’s wedding, where she uttered their safe word in her vows. Immediately his jaw clenched, and his hands balled into tight fists. Then moments later, he told her I was with him. When in reality, I had snuck into the...

Moments of Malevolence

Buy Direct: eBook or Paperback Alaska I lie to one of the city’s most ruthless men. And it feels so good. Deception is a drug, and I’m quickly becoming an addict. Each time we speak, Zuko has no idea it’s me. The lie tastes sweet leaving my mouth. I couldn’t stop now,...